Strace command.

Understanding the Strace Command in Linux

When it comes to debugging and troubleshooting issues with applications in Linux, one of the most useful tools in your arsenal is the strace command. This diagnostic tool allows you to trace system calls and signals between processes and can help you identify the root cause of errors or performance issues. It is useful for debugging and troubleshooting issues with applications, as it can help identify the root cause of errors or performance issues.

Strace command
Strace command

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the strace command is, strace [options] [command] where [command] is the application you want to trace. When you run the command, the strace will print out a log of system calls and signals made by the application, along with any errors or other relevant information. Some common options for the strace command include -p to attach to an existing process, -f to trace child processes as well, and -o to save the output to a file.

Here are some examples of how to use the strace command:

  • strace ls: This will run the ls command and print out a log of system calls made by the command, along with any errors or other relevant information.
  • strace -o output.txt ls : This will run the ls command and save the output to a file called output.txt.
  • strace -p 1234: This will attach to an existing process with the PID of 1234 and print out a log of system calls made by the process.
  • strace -f ./myapp: This will run the myapp application and trace any child processes launched by the application as well.

These are just a few examples of the many options and use cases for the strace command.

Common Options

Here are some common options for the strace command:

  • p: Attach to an existing process with the specified PID.
  • o: Save the output to a file instead of printing it to the console.
  • f: Trace child processes as well as the parent process.
  • c: Print a summary of system calls by type and count.

Strace Ouput

The output of the strace command can be quite verbose, so it is often a good idea to save it to a file and then search through the file for specific information. The output can include information about file operations, network activity, memory allocation, and much more, depending on what the application is doing. Some common types of system calls that you might see in the output include open (to open a file), read (to read from a file), write (to write to a file), connect (to connect to a network), and socket (to create a network socket). The output can also include information about signals, which are used by the operating system to notify processes of events such as interrupts or errors.


The strace command is an incredibly powerful tool for diagnosing issues with applications in Linux. By tracing system calls and signals, you can gain a deeper understanding of how the application is interacting with the operating system and identify any errors or performance issues that may be impacting its performance. Whether you’re a developer or a system administrator, strace is an essential tool to have in your toolkit.

You can read more about the strace command on their man page. This post is the part of linux commands

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