Associative Arrays in Bash

Associative Arrays in Bash

Bash, the command-line shell and scripting language for Unix-based systems, comes equipped with a powerful data structure known as Associative Arrays in Bash. These arrays provide a way to store key-value pairs, allowing for efficient data manipulation in shell scripts. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics and demonstrate their practical applications with examples. … Read more

Tabs vs Spaces

Tabs vs Spaces

In the world of coding, there’s an ongoing debate about Tabs vs Spaces which is seemingly small but surprisingly important: should we use tabs or spaces to indent our code? Let’s break it down in simple terms and look at some examples. The Tab Team Tabs are like flexible placeholders. They let developers choose how … Read more

Zombie process in Linux

Zombie process in Linux

A zombie process in Linux is a process that has finished executing, but its entry in the process table has not yet been removed. This can happen if the parent process of the child process terminates before the child process has a chance to exit. Zombie processes do not consume any CPU resources, but they … Read more

Understanding md5sum

Understanding md5sum

In the world of data integrity and security, MD5sum is a commonly used checksum tool that plays a crucial role in verifying file integrity. So let’s begin with Understanding md5sum Basics of md5sum md5sum will always generate the same hash, for example, if you generate a hash for-word every time it will generate the … Read more